Custom USDOT Sign
Create your own custom DOT number sign to meet the specific needs of your operation.
Product Code:8000005- Custom USDOT number signs can be designed to meet the vehicle ID number requirements of §390.21(b)(2)
- USDOT custom sign builder can also be used to create other numbered markings such as KYU numbers or brief worded safety messages
- Available in a variety of sizes and materials
- Fast, easy reordering at
- Typically ships in 2-5 business days
Please note: The image above serves as the proof for your custom sign. To approve your sign as "production ready," simply click on the Add to Cart button.
J. J. Keller & Associates, Inc. is not responsible for custom sign designs including the choice of signal word, message text, language, symbols, colors, or other design or format elements. J. J. Keller will not print signs, markings or labels that contain profanity or other defamatory messages.
Printed & Published by J. J. Keller & Associates, Inc., Neenah, WI • • (800)327-6868 • Printed in the USA
OSHA & ANSI Safety Colors and Sign Color Codes
You may be wondering what safety colors a warning sign is supposed to be. Please see the table below for guidance on the safety sign colors (also known as warning sign colors) from J. J. Keller’s experienced team of Editors. All sign safety colors follow ink specifications found in the ANSI Z535.1-2011 safety color chart.1
Safety Red
- Signifies: Danger, Fire Protection, Stop, and Exit
- OSHA-required signs using this safety color: Danger safety signs2, Exit signs for construction, and also see footnote 3
- ANSI-recommended signs using this safety color: Danger safety signs2 and Fire safety equipment location signs
- Reference: OSHA 29 CFR 1910.144(a)(1); OSHA 29 CFR 1910.145(c)(1) and (d)(2); OSHA 29 CFR 1926.200(b), (d), and (i); and ANSI Z535.2-2011 and -R2017
Safety Orange
- Signifies: Warning, Machine parts that may injure, and Exposed parts
- OSHA-required signs using this safety color: See footnote 3
- ANSI-recommended signs using this safety color: Warning safety signs4
- Reference: ANSI Z535.2-2011 & -R2017 and OSHA 29 CFR 1926.200(i).
Safety Yellow
- Signifies: Caution, Physical hazards, Flammable materials storage, Corrosive chemicals, Instability, Traffic, and Housekeeping
- OSHA-required signs using this safety color: Caution safety signs5 and Radiation caution signs6
- ANSI-recommended signs using this safety color: Caution safety signs5
- Reference: OSHA 29 CFR 1910.144(a)(3), OSHA 29 CFR 1910.145(c)(2) and (d)(4), OSHA 29 CFR 1910.1096(e), OSHA 29 CFR 1926.200(c), and ANSI Z535.2-2011 and -R2017
Safety Green
- Signifies: Safety instructions, Safety equipment, First aid, and Evacuation routes
- OSHA-required signs using this safety color: Safety instruction signs7, and also see footnote 3
- ANSI-recommended signs using this safety color: Safety instruction signs7 and Safety equipment location signs
- Reference: OSHA 29 CFR 1910.145(c)(3) and (d)(6), OSHA 29 CFR 1926.200(e) and (i), and ANSI Z535.2-2011 and -R2017
Safety Blue
- Signifies: Notice (not hazard-related), Safety information, and Personal protective equipment
- OSHA-required signs using this safety color: See footnote 3
- ANSI-recommended signs using this safety color: Notice signs8
- Reference: OSHA 29 CFR 1926.200(i) and ANSI Z535.2-2011 and -R2017
Safety Purple or Magenta
- Signifies: Radiation
- OSHA-required signs using this safety color: Radiation caution signs6
- ANSI-recommended signs using this safety color: NA
- Reference: OSHA 29 CFR 1910.1096(e). Employer may also have a use for safety purple on a sign, if none of the other safety colors apply
Safety Black
- Signifies: Traffic and Housekeeping
- OSHA-required signs using this safety color: Danger safety signs2, Caution safety signs5, Safety instruction signs7, and also see footnote 3
- ANSI-recommended signs using this safety color: Danger safety signs2, Caution safety signs5, Safety instruction signs7, Warning safety signs4, Notice signs8, Safety equipment location signs, and Fire safety equipment location signs
- Reference: OSHA 1910.145(c) and (d), OSHA 29 CFR 1926.200, and ANSI Z535.2-2011 and -R2017
Safety White
- Signifies: Traffic and Housekeeping
- OSHA-required signs using this safety color: Danger safety signs2, Safety instruction signs7, and also see footnote 3
- ANSI-recommended signs using this safety color: Danger safety signs2, Caution safety signs5, Safety instruction signs7, Warning safety signs4, Notice signs8, Safety equipment location signs, and Fire safety equipment location signs
- Reference: OSHA 1910.145(c) and (d), OSHA 29 CFR 1926.200, and ANSI Z535.2-2011 and -R2017
Safety Brown
- Signifies: No meaning assigned
- OSHA-required signs using this safety color: NA
- ANSI-recommended signs using this safety color: NA
- Reference: Employer may have a use for safety brown on a sign, if none of the other safety colors apply
Safety Gray
- Signifies: No meaning assigned
- OSHA-required signs using this safety color: NA
- ANSI-recommended signs using this safety color: NA
- Reference: Employer may have a use for safety gray on a sign, if none of the other safety colors apply
- Our signs do not use the ink specifications found in the ANSI Z535.1-2017, American National Standard for Safety Colors, color chart because OSHA still requires the ANSI Z535.1-2011 color specifications, and ANSI Z535.1-2017 says the colors referenced in ANSI Z535.1-2011, while no longer encouraged by ANSI, are still acceptable under the 2017 consensus standard.
- Danger safety signs indicate immediate danger and that special precautions are necessary.
- OSHA adopts the ANSI Z535.2-2011, American National Standard for Environmental and Facility Safety Signs, for construction, not general industry. However, an OSHA Letter of Interpretation of general industry 29 CFR 1910.145 says, "Employers are allowed … to comply with the most current consensus standards applicable to their operations, rather than with the OSHA standard in effect at the time of inspection, when the employer’s action provides equal or greater employee protection. So long as the standards used by the employer provide such protection, a violation where the employer is not in compliance with OSHA's standards but is in compliance with the new standards may be considered de minimis and not be cited."
- Warning safety signs indicate a hazard that could be serious or deadly if a person does not avoid it. The hazard level is between a danger safety sign and a caution safety sign.
- Caution safety signs warn against potential hazards or caution against unsafe practices and indicate a possible hazard against which proper precaution should be taken.
- Radiation caution signs indicate a radiation area, high radiation area, airborne radioactivity area, and any area/room where radioactive material is used or stored.
- Safety instruction signs are applied where there is a need for general instructions and suggestions relative to safety measures.
- Notice signs provide non-hazard related information like company policies for hygiene, housekeeping, and admittance.
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