Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Orders, Pricing and Returns

How do I view my order details?

You must be registered to view your order details. You can either log in to "My Account" or create a new account. After you have created a new account, it will take 1-2 business day to display your order history.

How long will it take to receive my order?

Most orders will ship within 2 business days, subject to credit approval. Actual delivery will depend on the shipping method and your destination. Ground shipment orders to Canada are shipped on Fridays.

How much do you charge for shipping?

Shipping and handling costs are based on the order total, shipment weight, shipping method, and destination. As part of the ordering process, you will be presented with shipping options and total charges.

What is a Temporary Internet Order Number?

When you submit an order through, you will receive a Temporary Internet Order Number. This number allows you to check on the status of your order as often as you like. Just log in to "My Account" or create a new account and click on the "My Order Status" link. Your status will be kept on file until your order has been fulfilled. For non-Internet orders, please contact us at 1-800-327-6868.

What is a subscription Postal charge?

If you purchase a subscription product, a one-time charge for postage and handling, based on the term of the subscription, will be added to your order. Please note: When ordering a subscription product, enter the address to which you would like your subscription sent in the "Ship To" area of our online order form.

Are there additional price breaks other than what is listed?

Yes. Please contact us at 1-877-564-2333 with any pricing questions.

How do I return a J. J. Keller Product?

See our satisfaction guarantee and return policy or contact us toll-free at 1-800-327-6868 or by email at

What if my company name and/or address changes?

To request a change of company name and/or address, email us the information off the mailing label we are sending you, as well as the new company name/address information. Please email this information to

In what currency are prices shown?

All prices stated are in US dollars.

Billing and Payment

Is it safe to use my credit card?

Yes. You can safely enter your entire payment card number (credit or debit) via our secure server, which encrypts all submitted information. To provide you with an additional layer of security, all payment card numbers are tokenized and no payment card numbers are stored in our systems.

What is your billing policy?

Standard billing for accounts with approved credit is Net 30 Days. To apply for credit, please contact us at 1-800-327-6868 for orders over $75.

What forms of payment do you accept?

We will invoice your account if you have approved credit. Invoices must be paid in U.S. funds. Orders less than $75 require prepayment. For prepayment, we accept VISA, MasterCard, American Express, and Discover. Remit to J. J. Keller & Associates, Inc., PO Box 735492, Chicago, IL 60673-5492.

How do I establish a line of credit with your company?

To establish a line of credit, we will either check Dun & Bradstreet for a credit listing under your company name, or you can provide us with three credit references (i.e. one bank and two vendors). You must also have an order in place, as we do not establish lines of credit in advance. Please call us toll-free at 1-800-327-6868 to apply for credit.


What is your tax policy?

In the United States, all applicable state, county and local sales tax will be added to your order, except if shipping to AK, DE, MT, NH, or OR. We reserve the right to add sales tax where required. In Canada, applicable GST/HST and PST/QST rates will apply on the sale of goods and services. For international orders, there may also be duties and taxes imposed on your order that are not included in the prices displayed as they appear during the checkout process. You may check with your local Customs Office for those charges.

What is a duty charge?

The amount of tax paid on an imported good. The duty charge is calculated using the tariff rate and the value of the goods.

What is a customs broker fee?

Fees charged for an intermediary, representing a shipper or importer, who clears international shipments at the border. A customs broker will assist with the necessary paperwork and submit any applicable duties and taxes to the countries involved. The duties, taxes, and fees for this service will be added to your order total.

Tax Exempt

If I work for a tax exempt organization, will I be charged taxes on

When placing an order on, you will see a charge for taxes on the "Order Summary" page, even if you're representing a tax exempt organization. However, that charge will be removed at billing provided that J. J. Keller has an approved, fully completed tax exempt certificate on file for your organization.

Tax exemption certificates can be emailed to J. J. Keller at Also, to help us quickly process your "tax exempt" order, please include your Order Number (located on the Order Confirmation page) along with your tax exemption certificate on email request.

Product taxability and customer exemptions are dependent on individual state statutory guidelines and requirements.

Emails and Promotions

How do I get my name removed from your print mailing lists?

To remove your name from our mailing lists, we need the information from the mailing label you received from us. The information should include the company name and location as well as the numbers listed across the top of the label. Please email this to

How do I change my email address with you?

On the home page, click the "Email Preferences" link under Customer Service at the bottom of the page. You may also click the "Change email preferences" link underneath the email address box and sign up button at the bottom of the page. Or, click here to go directly to the Email Preferences Center.

How can I select which type of email I’d like to receive from J. J. Keller?

At J. J. Keller, our goal is to send you timely, relevant email updates that will make your job easier. You can sign up to receive several different types of email messages, including SafetyClicks™ and HRClicks™ (our email newsletters), money-saving offers, emerging compliance issues, and more. Click here to select what type of email you'd like to receive.

Are there restrictions on special promotional offers?

Yes — some restrictions do apply. Click here for full details.


Do you offer free previews of your products?

Yes! We offer video previews of our training programs; sample pages from guides, handbooks, and workbooks; sample forms; and online demos of software and other management tools. These are available on the product page for the item.

What is J. J. Keller® Safety Management Suite?

Developed using real-world insight from EHS professionals across the country, J. J. Keller® Safety Management Suite delivers access to all of J. J. Keller's most-popular safety management tools, including customizable training programs, audit and inspection checklists, written safety plan templates, word-for-word federal and state regulations, and more. In addition, nearly every aspect of the J. J. Keller® Safety Management Suite can be customized to meet any number of organizational and industry demands, allowing for superior oversight and unmatched visibility. Click here to learn more.

What is Encompass®?

Encompass is a powerful online service that can help you streamline your driver management tasks — including driver recruiting and hiring, driver qualification, hours-of-service auditing, alcohol and drug testing, accident recordkeeping, and more. Encompass provides automatic compliance alerts, reduces your exposure to risk, and centralizes important driver information. Click here to learn more.

What is FleetMentor®?

Excellence in fleet operations depends on effective management of fleet personnel, operations and safety. FleetMentor® is the only service that provides fleet managers with the tools and resources necessary to manage all three. FleetMentor® has more than 60 interactive tools to help fleet managers stay in control, get more done, and be successful. Click here to learn more.

Customization and Personalization

Can we incorporate some of our company-specific information into a J. J. Keller video, publication, or other content?

Yes. Merging your company's information with J. J. Keller content is an excellent way to achieve a custom feel, often at minimal cost. For inquiries regarding incorporating your content into J. J. Keller products, please contact us at 1-800-327-6868. Click here to learn more.

Can I have a product imprinted to my company specifications?

Yes. Our site features numerous customizable products, such as HMIS labels, traffic signs, and more. In addition, many of our our security seals and log books are customizable, as well as PARS and PAPS barcoded labels. For inquiries regarding imprinting or customizing any other stock J. J. Keller product, please contact us at 1-800-327-6868.

What are J. J. Keller's imprint standards?

  1. Imprinted information will be in upper case lettering. This includes name, address, and all other imprinted information. If the name or address is very lengthy, it will be typeset in upper and lower case to be more legible.
  2. Standard Company Name Punctuation Procedure:
    • Periods will be put after Inc., Ltd., and other standard abbreviations.
    • There will be no spaces, periods, or commas in the company name and/or company name initials.
    • No comma will precede Inc., Ltd., or Co.
  3. Standard Address Punctuation Procedure:
    • Commas will be put between the city and state, the rural route and P.O. Box, the street address and the P.O. Box.
    • Hyphens will be put between the street address and city. Hyphens will be used in phone numbers, unless parentheses are requested, i.e., (800-327-6868).

What is an overrun?

Imprint log orders with J. J. Keller are subject to a 10% overrun (a printing industry standard). An overrun quantity and charge will be added automatically to your online order. Your final invoice may reflect a higher price than quoted online.