Workplace Violence

Workplace violence can range from harassment, threats, or attacks to an active shooter. Expressions of anger or other inappropriate conduct should be addressed by the employer as a violation of workplace conduct rules. 1 out of every 4 full-time workers is harassed, threatened, or attacked on the job each year. While shocking most companies do not have a written policy on workplace violence, have not taken preventative measures, and probably do not understand the causes or warning signs of such behavior.

According to the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), an active shooter is "an individual actively engaged in killing or attempting to kill people in a populated area." An FBI report identified 40 shootings in 2020 as active shooter incidents. The 40 active shooter incidents in the report resulted in 164 total casualties (38 killed and 126 wounded, excluding the shooters).

The number of people injured or killed during each incident is rising. Since 2016, active shooter incident data reveals an upward trend. The number of active shooter incidents identified in 2020 represents a 33% increase from 2019 and a 100% increase from 2016. While the likelihood of any company enduring a workplace shooting is low, employers must be prepared to protect their employees should it happen.

While a company hopes a violent situation never occurs there are several training products that will help prepare companies to effectively manage violent situations should they occur.

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