Labor Law Poster Frequently Asked Questions

General Labor Law Posting

State and federal employment laws and regulations require all employers with at least one employee to post all applicable, current, required federal and state labor law notices at each of the employer’s locations, in an area frequented by all employees. Failure to keep these notices up to date can result in fines or employee lawsuits.

Posters must be displayed in an area where they are visible to all employees. This can be any location employees are likely to visit on a daily basis, such as a cafeteria, break room, lunchroom, employee lounge, kitchen, or time clock area. They could also be posted near an employee entrance. If your employees regularly visit one cafeteria, common area, or entrance, then all required posters may be placed there. If you have a large building or corporate campus, posters may need to be placed in more than one location.

You might. Posters need to be placed where employees can readily observe them. If all employees report to one building, posters can be displayed there. If they work in several different buildings, the posters must be displayed in each building. Displaying them only in a main building may not make them readily accessible to employees who work in other buildings, especially if they never have occasion to enter the main building for work.

Not necessarily. If all employees regularly visit one break room or use the same entrance, one set of posters can be placed there. If not, then posters need to be placed in multiple break rooms or by several entrances so they can be readily seen by all employees.

When all employees work remotely, the Department of Labor (DOL) says a business may use electronic postings to satisfy federal posting requirements.

When some employees work remotely and some report to the office, physical posters must be displayed at the office. The DOL encourages employers to use electronic postings for remote workers. When you have some employees who report to a physical location and some who work remotely, electronic posters alone do not meet posting requirements.

For electronic postings to be compliant, employees must have readily available access to the electronic postings at all times. In addition, employees must customarily receive information from the employer electronically.

Employers with a federal contract have additional posting requirements, and there are a few federal contractor postings that can be displayed electronically or physically. This includes the federal contractor minimum wage poster and the pay transparency poster required by Executive Order 13665. These electronic posting regulations apply only to these specific posters for federal contractors, however.

The Department of Labor encourages employers to use electronic postings for remote workers. If all employees work remotely, electronic posters are required. The requirement to post physical notices at the home of a single remote worker has not yet been added to any of the labor law notification regulations.

To limit liability, it is advisable to notify all employees of their rights. An employer is obligated to make sure that all employees, no matter where they work, are informed of their employment rights.

Using electronic postings shows an employer has made a “good faith” effort to inform the remote employee of his/her rights should an employee dispute occur. We offer an electronic labor law poster service, in which the employee could view the postings electronically on our Labor Law Poster Management Center website.

If a remote employee will be checking in at a company location or main office frequently, having the posters there will meet your obligations.

Yes, major and minor are the same as mandatory and non-mandatory respectively. A major/mandatory change includes significant changes that affect the ability of the posting to comply with the issuing agency's regulations or law. In these instances, the governing agency has stated that employers must replace their old notice with the new revised notice.

A minor/non-mandatory change typically is a cosmetic change. In these instances, the governing agency has stated that employers are not required to replace their old notice with the new revised notice. Both old and new versions of the notice are compliant. Examples of minor/non-mandatory changes might include an update to the governor's name or a change in the format or layout of the notice. These are changes that do not affect the intent of the law described on the notice.

It is not legal for some posters to be resized. Some poster laws include a size requirement and may require the poster text or the poster itself to be a certain size. For example: OSHA’s Job Safety and Health notice must be 8½ by 14 inches to be compliant, and the text size must be at least 10 point. Other laws require posters to be displayed so they can be readily observed by employees or require the text size to be large enough to be easily read. If you shrink a poster down to a size that is below the required font or notice size, or make it so small it is hard to read, you may not be in compliance.

Yes, employers must display physical labor law posters at the location employees report to each week. If employees report directly to a construction site, posters should be displayed there.

Electronic posters can be placed on the company intranet as another way to make employees aware of their rights, but employers should also have the physical posters displayed.

If a salesperson checks in at a certain office or another company location each day, paper labor law posters should be displayed there. If the salesperson works from home, electronic posters posted on the company intranet could be used to show a good faith effort to make a remote employee aware of rights under federal labor laws. We offer an electronic labor law poster service, in which the employee could view the postings on our Labor Law Poster Management Center website.

In general, posters must be displayed in conspicuous places on an employer’s premises where they are visible at all times. It is not likely that posting them only on a tablet computer would meet this requirement. In addition, some posters must be displayed at certain sizes. For example, the federal Occupational Safety and Health Act (OSHA) poster must be at least 8½ by 14 inches. Displaying posters on a tablet would not meet this requirement.

There are a few federal contractor postings that can be displayed electronically. This includes the federal contractor minimum wage poster and the pay transparency poster required by Executive Order 13665. These electronic posting regulations apply only to these specific posters for federal contractors, however.

If the physical posters are on display, it is fine to have electronic versions available as well. However, if you have a physical location, electronic postings by themselves do not satisfy posting requirements.

No. Generally, federal workplace posters required by the Department of Labor must be displayed or posted in a conspicuous place where they are easily visible to all employees. When posters are in a binder, they are not visible. In addition, some posting requirements state that the postings cannot be covered by any other posters. If they are in a binder, they could be considered to be covered. This is why supplying labor law posters in a binder has been disapproved of by government agencies in the past.

There is an exception to this: The Uniformed Services Employment and Reemployment Rights Act (USERRA) poster may be posted or provided by other methods as long as the full text of the notice is provided. Other methods may include distributing to employees by direct handling, mailing or via email.

Yes. Several federal employment laws require that some posters be displayed prominently where job applicants as well as employees will see them. The Equal Employment Opportunity is the Law (EEO), Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA), and Employee Polygraph Protection Act (EPPA) notices must all be displayed for applicants as well as employees.

There may be state postings you're required to display for applicants, too. These postings generally relate to state anti-discrimination laws. The law may indicate that it applies to applicants as well as employees. This information may also be on the poster.

Please note that if you are participating in the E-Verify™ program, you are also required to post English and Spanish versions of the E-Verify™ and Right To Work notices where job applicants can see them.

The U.S. Department of Labor indicates that employers should place a prominent notice on their job posting website stating that “Applicants have rights under Federal Employment Laws.” This should be linked to three postings: Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA), Equal Employment Opportunity (EEO), and Employee Polygraph Protection Act (EPPA).

Posting these notices on the website is not a substitute for posting them on the employer’s premises, however. Employers must also display physical copies of the posters, so applicants are informed of federal employment law rights when they come to the physical company location for in-person interviews.

J. J. Keller recommends as a best practice that employers post revised or newly required labor law notices on the posting effective date (not before) to be in compliance with the applicable state or federal employment laws.

It is always a good idea for employers with employees whose primary language is Spanish to display posters in Spanish as well as English.

However, this is only required for some postings. Each posting within a labor law poster is covered by a different law, and some of these laws do require a Spanish posting (or a poster in a language other than English). However, there’s no overall national or state requirement that says employers need to provide every posting in Spanish, or in a language other than English.

In situations where Spanish posters are needed, an employer could comply by posting an all-in-one Spanish poster or by downloading the required Spanish notices from the state or federal website.

Here is an overview of the federal and state laws that require posting in Spanish or a language other than English.

Federal laws with Spanish posting requirements

  • FMLA: The federal Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA) poster, which is required for employers with 50 or more employees, must be posted in a language other than English if a “significant” portion of workers are not literate in English. If a significant portion of workers are not literate in English, employers must post the notice in a language in which the employees are literate. The federal government does not define “significant.”
  • NLRA: Federal contractors must post the Employee Rights under the National Labor Relations Act (NLRA) notice in a language that employees speak when a significant portion of a contractor’s workforce is not proficient in English.
  • Agricultural employers: The Migrant and Seasonal Agricultural Worker Protection Act poster, which is only required for agricultural employers with migrant and seasonal workers, must be posted in Spanish or another language common to migrant or seasonal workers who are not literate in English.
  • H2-A: The Immigration and Nationality Act (Employee Rights Under the H-2A poster), which is required only for employers with employees who are using an H-2A visa, must be provided in any language common to a significant number of workers if they are not fluent in English.
  • OSHA: The Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) encourages, but does not require, employers with Spanish-speaking employees to post a Spanish version of the poster.

State laws with Spanish posting requirements

  • Arizona: The Earned Paid Sick Leave posting must be displayed in English and Spanish by employers with more than $500,000 in gross annual revenue. In addition, the Workers’ Compensation Notice to Employees must be posted in a bilingual format; this requirement is met with the bilingual version of the Workers’ Compensation posting on the Arizona English poster from J. J. Keller & Associates, Inc.
  • California: Employers with workers who speak and read only Spanish must post the Minimum Wage Notice in Spanish. In addition, California employers with Spanish-speaking employees must post the Workers’ Compensation Notice in Spanish. Employers must post the Discrimination & Harassment, Family Care and Medical Leave, and Your Rights and Obligations as a Pregnant Employee postings in a language other than English if that language is spoken by at least 10 percent of the workforce.
  • Colorado: The Paid Leave, Whistleblowing, and Personal Protective Equipment poster must be displayed in Spanish if it is the first language spoken by at least 5 percent of the employer’s workforce. The Overtime & Minimum Wage posting must be displayed in Spanish if employees have limited English ability and speak Spanish.
  • Connecticut: Employers may comply with the Paid Sick Leave and Pregnancy Discrimination and Accommodation in the Workplace notice requirements by displaying posters in English and Spanish. (Employers also have the option of handing the notices to the employee at the time of hire and providing the pregnancy discrimination and accommodation notice to an employee within 10 days after an employee notifies the employer of pregnancy. However, posting is an easy and efficient way to comply with this requirement.)
  • District of Columbia: The Protecting Pregnant Workers Fairness Act must be posted in English and Spanish and the Accrued Sick and Safe Leave Act of 2008 must be posted in English and languages spoken by employees with limited or no English proficiency. “Limited or no-English proficiency” means the inability to adequately understand or to express oneself in the spoken or written English language. The Paid Family Leave notice must be displayed in English and all languages in which the mayor has published the notice. It is available in English and Spanish.
  • Massachusetts: The Paid Family and Medical Leave poster must be posted in Spanish if the employer has 5 or more employees whose primary language is Spanish.
  • New Jersey: The Whistleblower posting must be posted in English and Spanish; the Gender Inequity posting must be posted in Spanish by employers with 50 or more employees when Spanish is the first language of a significant number of the employer’s workforce. Earned Sick Leave posters must be posted in Spanish when Spanish is the first language of a majority of an employer’s workforce.
  • New Mexico: The Notice on Human Trafficking must be posted in English and Spanish. The Healthy Workplaces Act posting should be displayed in English and Spanish.
  • Oregon: The Paid Family Leave posting must be displayed in Spanish if this is one of the languages the employer typically uses to communicate with employees. If the employer uses more than one language to communicate with employees assigned to a building or worksite, then the employer must display copies of the poster in each of the languages that the employer would typically use to communicate with employees assigned to that building or worksite.
  • Rhode Island: The Whistleblower Law posting must be posted in Spanish if this is one of the languages spoken by employees. The law requires it to be posted in prominent locations in all languages known to be spoken by employees.
  • Texas: The Texas Workers’ Compensation notice is required to be posted in English, Spanish, and any other language common to the employer’s employee population. The state has indicated that employers need to post the Spanish version only if they have Spanish-speaking employees.
  • Virginia: Unemployment insurance postings must be readily accessible to individuals in need of the service. It is also advisable for an employer with Spanish speaking employees to post the Earned Income Tax Credit posting in both English and Spanish.

Even when Spanish posters are not required, it is a good idea to use Spanish posters if employers have Spanish speaking/reading employees in the following states, since the agencies in these states publish posters in both English and Spanish: Arizona, California, Colorado, Florida, Georgia, Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Kansas, Kentucky, Louisiana, Massachusetts, Maine, Michigan, Minnesota, Missouri, North Carolina, Nebraska, New Hampshire, Nevada, New Jersey, New Mexico, New York, Ohio, Oklahoma, Oregon, Pennsylvania, South Carolina, Tennessee, Texas, Utah, Virginia, and Washington.

It is an employer’s responsibility to inform their employees, either English or Spanish speaking, of their rights under employment law.

Local posting laws with language requirements

Some city or county posters have very specific language requirements. Many of the local posters from J. J. Keller & Associates meet local posting language requirements. In some cases, a law calls for an employer to display posters in a language spoken by a percentage of employees. If a poster in a certain language is not available from J. J. Keller, the employer can order a custom poster or download the poster from the city website.

Some states require an employer to display a sexual harassment poster. These include Alaska, Connecticut, Massachusetts, Rhode Island, and Vermont.

A sexual harassment posting is also required for employers in New York City.

Rarely, a state will only require a sexual harassment poster for a specific industry. This is the case in Illinois, where higher education institutions need to display a sexual harassment poster containing information for students.

When a state or municipality requires a sexual harassment poster, a posting meeting state requirements is included in the all-in-one J. J. Keller labor law poster for that state or municipality.

When a sexual harassment poster is required for a specific industry, we offer this as a specialty poster.

Employers in states where a sexual harassment poster is not required can display a Workplace Policy poster on that topic to underscore the fact that sexual harassment will not be tolerated in the workplace.

Some states require you to post child labor law postings only when you employ minors. We include these child labor law notices on our labor law posters in the states where they are required.

The FMLA general notice is required to be posted by private companies with 50 or more employees and all public employers. It is included on our Federal Labor Law Poster, which is both sold separately and as part of the State & Federal Labor Law Poster sets. It is also included on our All-In-One State and Federal posters.

Yes, some postings require employers to add information. This information is usually company-specific, such as an emergency phone number, payday information, or worker’s compensation policy information.

The following states require an employer to fill in information: Alabama, Alaska, Arizona, Arkansas, California, Colorado, Connecticut, Florida, Georgia, Illinois, Indiana, Kansas, Louisiana, Massachusetts, Michigan, Mississippi, Missouri, Nebraska, Nevada, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New Mexico, North Carolina, North Dakota, Oklahoma, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, Tennessee, Texas, Utah, Vermont, and Washington. In addition, employers in the District of Columbia must also add information to their poster.

For details on which postings require additional information, see the Labor Law Poster Information Report on the Labor Law Poster page.

Yes, the federal minimum wage poster should still be displayed. There may be employees who are not covered by the state law, and therefore would be covered under the federal minimum wage law. An employer is to pay the higher of the state or federal minimum wage, but both notices are still to be posted as the state or federal rules may differ on overtime, tipped employees, etc.

Failure to post required state and federal labor law notices can result in fines of more than $40,000. Following are some examples:

  • The maximum penalty for violating the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) posting requirement is $15,625 for each violation.
  • An employer who violates any provision of the federal Employee Polygraph Protection Act of 1988, including the posting requirement, faces a fine of up to $24,793.
  • The penalty for failing to display the Equal Employment Opportunity is the Law posting (required for employers with 15 or more workers) is $659 for each separate offense.
  • Employers with 50 or more workers are required to display the Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA) notice, and the penalty for willful refusal to display it is $204 for each separate offense.
  • State posting requirements can also carry penalties.

Maximum fines typically would be incurred if the employer continually and/or knowingly violated the law.

Downloading and printing from individual federal and state government agencies is a time-consuming process. Posters are located on many government agency websites, and locating all required postings is challenging. In addition, employers must display new or updated posters when mandatory changes and new posting requirements take effect. It can be difficult to stay on top of posting changes and new requirements.

When all workers are remote, then electronic posters fulfill federal posting requirements. Essentially, they are required when all employees are remote and would have access to electronic postings.

In addition:

  • Electronic posters are required for employers with New York employees. The state requires employers to make all posters available electronically. This includes federal, state, and labor law posters, as well as other information employers are required to post (such as their payday notice, workers’ compensation notice, and Paid Family Leave notice).
  • Colorado requires employers to make the minimum wage and paid leave posters accessible to remote employees
  • Federal contractors are required to post the “Employee Rights Under the National Labor Relations Act” posting electronically if they typically use electronic communication with employees

Some laws require certain information to be written on the physical posters that are at a worksite. The regulations don’t specifically address whether or not this information also needs to be filled in on electronic posters.

It is a best practice for employers to provide this information to all employees, however. States have taken steps to ensure that this information is made available to employees who are in the workplace, so it would be best to provide it to remote workers as well.

To provide this information when using electronic posters from J. J. Keller & Associates, you can either:

  • Download the poster from the website, add your information, and save the file to your organization’s network or intranet, or
  • Provide the information to employees separately, in another format. It could be emailed to the employee or saved in a document on the intranet site, shared drive, or folder that houses the labor law posters.

J. J. Keller® Labor Law Posters

All J. J. Keller labor law posters include a QR code on the bottom of the poster. Simply scan the QR code with your mobile device, and you will be notified if your poster is compliant. Or visit and enter the poster code in the space provided.

In addition, our posters include a compliance date. This date reflects the last major (mandatory) change that was captured. Revision dates are also indicated on the individual notices on the poster (when applicable); however, the compliance date reflects the last mandatory change that occurred to any of the notices on the poster.

Compliance date information is available on the Recent Labor Law Poster Update page and the Labor Law Poster Information Report, or in the Poster Resources section of the Labor Law Poster Management Center (to which Update Service subscribers have access). If you have not replaced your poster as of the compliance date listed, then you may not be in compliance and your poster must be updated.

Employers participating in E-Verify must obtain official copies of the E-Verify Participation and Right to Work posters from the Department of Homeland Security’s E-Verify website. The website notes that employers may not purchase the posters from another vendor. Only employers participating in the E-Verify program are allowed to display the posters.

Further, J. J. Keller has been in direct communication with DHS to clarify and confirm that J. J. Keller (and others) must not resell the posters.

An employer enrolled in E-Verify must log in to the E-Verify website before downloading and printing the posters. After the employer logs into E-Verify, the employer can click on “My Resources” and “View Essential Resources” to view the posters.

Participating employers need to display both the English and Spanish versions of the E-Verify Participation Poster and the Right to Work Poster.

These posters are available only from the Department of Defense, and poster suppliers are not allowed to reprint them. J. J. Keller contacted the DOD and confirmed that J. J. Keller (and others) must not resell the posters. Federal contractors who are required to display these posters must download them from the department's hotline website or order them from the DOD.

Those are informational inserts we provide. We are providing a service by advising you that you may need to contact your insurance company or state agency directly to obtain the required poster. In these instances, you are responsible for getting an official copy of the notice; J. J. Keller cannot provide the official copy. The yellow notices are there to advise you that you must contact a state agency to get a notice which will be specific to your business. Usually, these are state Workers' Compensation or Unemployment Benefits related notices having to do with your employer account with those agencies. For example, employers in Alaska must get the Employer’s Notice of Insurance from their workers’ compensation insurance company.

We will contact you either by phone, mail or email when a mandatory posting change occurs that requires you to update your posters. When you purchase our Labor Law Poster Update Service, we will automatically send you an updated federal or state poster each time a mandatory posting change occurs and will alert you of the mandatory change via email.

No. Since these notices apply to customers, visitors to the company, and employees, they are not considered labor law posters and should be posted separately where they can be seen by all involved. No Smoking notices are typically required to be posted at facility entrances, designated smoke-free areas, and other locations at your facility that are accessible by the public.

Some states require a sign of a specific size or with specific wording to be used. J. J. Keller offers a wide variety of state-specific and general No Smoking signs.

Labor Law Poster Update Service

Update Service subscriptions include full poster replacement. We will send you a completely new state poster when mandatory state changes occur or a completely new federal poster when mandatory federal changes occur. With the new poster, you will receive the mandatory posting change as well as any minor posting changes that may have occurred since your last update. All our posters are laminated to help prevent them from being altered or defaced and to help them stay presentable in high traffic areas.

Over the last two years, there have been more than 100 mandatory state and local changes. Some states have had three, four, or more changes. Keeping up with these frequent law changes can be very costly and time consuming. Our Update Service is designed to provide you peace of mind and hassle-free compliance. We will automatically send you a completely updated federal or state labor law poster whenever mandatory changes occur. These poster updates will be sent within 30 days of the government finalizing content to ensure you always stay in compliance with posting requirements.

Our editors and staff are constantly monitoring federal and state regulatory activity for changes that might affect labor law posting requirements. On average, there are more than 75 state and federal labor law posting changes (mandatory and minor) each year. Whenever our staff confirms a mandatory change, we update our posters and ship them to you. Mandatory changes are those that are substantial (the change in verbiage impacts the intent of the law) and the government agency has indicated that employers are required to update their existing posting to the newly revised posting.

Your updated state or federal posters will be shipped within 30 days of the government releasing final wording for the revised notice. In most cases, you will receive new posters on or before the effective date of the mandatory posting change.

Yes! With a paid subscription, you will automatically get free access to J. J. Keller’s Labor Law Poster Management Center. You can log on to the Management Center at any time to get FedEx SmartPost® tracking information for poster update shipments to all locations included under your J. J. Keller account number. Tracking information is listed for all poster updates shipped within the past two years, however, only poster shipments sent within the past four months are trackable. You can even export the tracking information into an Excel spreadsheet to help you better manage and find information for multiple locations. You can use this tracking information to confirm poster updates have been shipped to and received by all your locations.

You can download PDF images of all our state and federal posters on the Labor Law Poster Management Center. You can use these electronic images to review poster content and revision dates on any poster.

Posters are updated only when the issuing agency publishes the updated posting. Even though a law may take effect on a certain date, that doesn't necessarily mean a new updated posting will be available immediately. We update our posters as soon as the posting text is released.

If you have already purchased new labor law posters or the Update Service, you should retain a copy of this invoice. This will help you demonstrate to an auditor or agency representative that you are making a "good faith" effort to comply with updated posters.

Rest assured that our research department is constantly monitoring regulatory activity, and just as soon as the final wording becomes available, we have it published on our products. We ship revised posters within 30 days of the government finalizing content so that posters compliant with posting requirements are available in a timely manner.

As soon as our staff confirms a mandatory change takes place, we will send an email to alert you of the change and inform you that you'll receive an updated poster within 30 days of the government agency finalizing the revised posting verbiage. The tracking information for your poster update will be available on the Labor Law Poster Management Center.

Yes! In addition to English version posters, we offer our Update Service for Spanish version posters for all 50 states plus the District of Columbia and Puerto Rico.

Your email address will be used by J. J. Keller for getting access to the Labor Law Poster Management Center. In addition, we will use your email address to notify you of any important alerts regarding your Update Service. These alerts typically include: 1) a mandatory posting change is taking place and you will receive an updated poster in 30 days, and 2) the new quarterly Labor Law Poster Report is now available on the Management Center. The quarterly newsletter is free with your paid subscription and features hot topics, regulatory activity, poster revisions, and other news that's important to you.

Providing your email address also allows you to receive other messages from J. J. Keller, including regulatory alerts, money-saving offers and newsletters. We will not rent or sell your email address. For more information, view our Privacy Policy.

You can change your email address by clicking on the Manage Users button in the left navigation pane of the Labor Law Poster Management Center. First click on your Username, then click Edit to change your email address, username, first name, last name or user level. Alternatively, you can contact a customer service rep at 1-800-327-6868 for assistance. They can update your email address in our database and assist you with any other questions you may have regarding your Update Service.

Yes, we have included Manage Users function on the Labor Law Poster Management Center. You can use this feature to invite other employees within your company to also get access to the valuable resources on the Management Center.

To do this, click on the Manage Users button in the left navigation pane on the Management Center home page. Then click Add User in the upper right corner of the Manage Users page. Enter the new user's email address, username, first name, last name and user level (Admin, Paper User, or Remote worker) and then click Submit.

An explanation of the user roles is provided in the Help document in the Management Center.

A welcome email will be generated and sent to the invitee and prompt them to login to access to the Management Center. The invitee will get access and receive the same email notifications that you receive as part of your Update Service. However, if they are a remote worker, they will only receive federal or state update notification emails for the state they live in, indicating when one of their state/federal postings has been updated and is ready for viewing.

You can view a list of all of your labor law poster subscriptions and change contact information by clicking on the View Subscriptions button in the left navigation pane of the Labor Law Poster Management Center. Simply click Edit next to the subscription you would like to change and then edit the physical shipping address and/or contact name and email address and Submit.

Note: Your changes should appear on the Labor Law Poster Management Center within 24 hours. If you need to change the state for which you have a subscription, please contact your customer service rep or call 1-800-327-6868. They can edit the data (including state, physical shipping address, and contact information) associated with your Update Service in our database.

You can view a list of all your labor law poster subscriptions under your J. J. Keller account by clicking on the View Subscriptions button in the left navigation pane of the Labor Law Poster Management Center. In addition, you can export this data into a spreadsheet to conduct an ad hoc audit of your Update Service and edit shipping addresses and contact information for any or all of them at your discretion.

Please contact your customer service rep or call 1-800-327-6868. They can edit the email address associated with your Update Service in our database and send the new user a welcome email containing access instructions.

First, check to make sure the Welcome Email was not blocked by your SPAM filter. If you cannot find the welcome email, you can access the Forgot Password page and enter the email address you provided when ordering your subscription. An email containing your login will be sent to you. If you need assistance, please contact a customer service rep at 1-800-327-6868. Remember, you must have a paid subscription, and your email address must be in our database to get access to the Management Center.

You can contact your J. J. Keller customer service rep at any time to renew your service or ask questions about your Update Service. Otherwise, as your subscription comes close to expiring, a customer service rep will contact you to discuss your desire to renew. At that time, the customer service rep can also discuss editing or adding Update Service subscriptions as your needs may have changed since you first purchased the update service.

Yes, there are several resources for this information available in the Labor Law Poster Management Center. They include a Labor Law Poster Information report which provides insights into recent changes, pending changes, and posting requirements. To view the report, click on the Poster Resources button in the left navigation pane of the Management Center.