Driver Vehicle Inspection Report (DVIR) FAQs


Property carrying drivers are required to complete a driver vehicle inspection report whenever a defect or deficiency is discovered by or reported to the driver which would affect the safe operation of the vehicle or result in its mechanical breakdown.

Many motor carriers require drivers to complete the DVIR for all post-trip inspections as a best practice and safety management control to:

  • Document that a post-trip inspection was conducted,
  • Minimize the risk of operating unsafe vehicles, and
  • Protect their Vehicle Maintenance BASIC score.

Passenger carrying drivers are required to complete a driver vehicle inspection report whenever a defect or deficiency is discovered by or reported to the driver which would affect the safe operation of the vehicle or result in its mechanical breakdown.

Many motor carriers require drivers to complete the DVIR for all post-trip inspections as a best practice and safety management control to:

Yes, as long as they contain all required information (including all required signatures), are routed to all required recipients, are stored for at least three months, and can be provided to the DOT in the event of an audit.

Driver's Daily Vehicle Inspection Reports must be kept for 3 months.

No, a driver vehicle inspection report no longer has to be carried in the vehicle in the United States. Upon completion, they can immediately be filed.

Pre and Post Inspections

A driver must be satisfied that all CMV equipment is in safe operating condition before operating. In addition, drivers must complete a report that identifies the vehicle and list any defect or deficiency discovered by or reported to the driver which would affect the safe operation of the vehicle or result in its mechanical breakdown.

According to §395.2, "All time inspecting, servicing, or conditioning any commercial motor vehicle at any time” is considered on-duty and must be logged as such. If a DVIR is completed, the time used to complete the form is also considered on-duty."

Canadian Requirements

Inspections, like most motor carrier safety regulations in Canada, are handled at the jurisdictional level. The National Safety Code (NSC), Standard 13, covers the requirements for vehicle pre-trip inspections.

Drivers are required to carry a copy of the applicable inspection schedule in the cab and present it to officers upon request. Drivers are prohibited from operating vehicles that have not been inspected within the last 24 hours. Drivers who find defects during the inspection are required to immediately report the defects to the carrier, whether found during the initial inspection or enroute. Drivers are prohibited from driving a vehicle with a major defect. The report is required to contain at least the following:

  • License plate or unit number(s) of the vehicle(s);
  • Motor carrier's name;
  • Date and time of inspection;
  • City, town, village, or highway location where the inspection was performed;
  • A statement signed by the person conducting the inspection and by the person driving the vehicle (if different than the person inspecting the vehicle) that the vehicle(s) identified on the report has(have) been inspected in accordance with applicable requirements;
  • The legible printed name of the person conducting the inspection; and
  • Odometer reading (if equipped).

Carriers must keep inspection reports for six months.