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Safety & Compliance Resources

J. J. Keller protects people and the businesses they run. You can trust our expertise across a wide range of subjects relating to labor, transportation, environmental, and worker safety. Our deep knowledge of federal and state agencies is built on a strong foundation of more than 100 editors and consultants and 70+ years of regulatory compliance experience.

Company & Careers

J. J. Keller protects people and the businesses they run. You can trust our expertise across a wide range of subjects relating to labor, transportation, environmental, and worker safety. Our deep knowledge of federal and state agencies is built on a strong foundation of more than 100 editors and consultants and 70+ years of regulatory compliance experience.

Note: When ordering Streaming Video Training Program, you will be provided a link to access the program you purchased. You will have 5 consecutive days to access the program starting from the time you click the link.

  • Streaming Video format allows trainers to conduct effective, affordable training wherever they have Internet access
  • Includes 5 days of access to the video plus downloadable Trainer's/Instructor's Guide, quizzes and answer keys, a training log and supplemental video content
  • Program is viewable from video-capable, internet-connected mobile devices such as an iPhone and iPad, as well as most Android tablets and phones
  • Includes 2 training tracks: Supervisor Training and Employee Training
  • Helps ensure trainers deliver consistent messages to both supervisors and employees

What's Included

  • Supervisor Training Programs
    • Video (approximately 22 minutes)
      • Introduction
      • Workplace Bullying
      • The Size of the Problem
      • Who's Involved
      • Workplace Conduct
      • Taking Action
      • Workplace Violence
      • Domestic Violence
      • Summary
    • Video Extras
      • Situational Scenarios
      • Quiz
      • Note to Trainer
      • Previews
  • Employee Training Program
    • Video (approximately 20 minutes)
      • Introduction
      • Workplace Bullying
      • The Size of the Problem
      • Who's Involved
      • Warning Signs
      • Taking Action
      • Domestic Violence
      • Summary
    • Video Extras
      • Situational Scenarios
      • Quiz
      • Note to Trainers
      • Previews
    • Instructor's Guide
    • Training for Employees Quiz (with Answer Key)
    • Training for Supervisors Quiz (with Answer Key)
    • Alternate Training for Employees Quiz (with Answer Key)
    • Alternate Training for Supervisors Quiz (with Answer Key)
    • Powerpoint® Presentation
    • Handouts (4)
    • Images (6)
    • Poster (1)

What's Covered

After completing this program, supervisors will understand:

  • Definition of workplace bullying
  • Consequences for the victim, offender, witnesses and organization
  • How to recognize and respond to potential situations
  • How to address a bully or potentially violent employee through de-escalation
  • Actions supervisors can take if they hear about or witness a potential bullying situation
  • Actions supervisors can take when an employee reports that he or she is the victim of bullying or violence
  • Workplace violence indicators
  • How to prepare for violent incidents
  • How to handle an employee who may be a victim of domestic violence and prevent the domestic violence from infiltrating the workplace

After completing this program, employees will understand:

  • Definition of workplace bullying
  • Impacts on employees and the company
  • How employees can help prevent bullying and violence
  • What employees should do if they are victims of bullying or violence, including actions that occur outside the workplace
  • What employees should do if they witness a possible situation
  • What employees should do if they suspect domestic violence may infiltrate the workplace or if they become aware of other potential security concerns

Copyright Date: 2013

Language: English

Format: Streaming Video

Industry: Human Resources