Split-Specimen CupĀ® Urine Drug Test - 11-Panel w/o Adulterants

Urine-based drug screening device eliminates urine handling and donor tampering, providing an efficient and unique approach for on-site drug testing, and gives readable results in minutes.

Product Code:59975
Product Information
  • Test is based on DOT standards but does not meet the DOT requirements for drug testing 49 CFR Parts 40 & 382
  • FDA approved
  • Rapid one-step urine screening test can be used without an instrument
  • Split-specimen collection device ā€“ urine sample can be sent into the lab for confirmation testing
  • Locking screw-top lid prevents spills, ensures chain of custody and provides secure closure
  • Peel-off label covers temp strip, to be removed by collector, and prevents adulteration
  • Includes a key that requires collector to activate the test (collector activated vs. donor activated)
  • Test makes it easy to read (and photocopy) results in minutes
  • Each split urine drug test is expiration dated (18 months from date of manufacture)
  • Price per box of 25 tests

Split drug test can be used for the simultaneous detection of the following drugs and their metabolites, but is not intended to be used for a drug test required by Part 382:

59975 ā€“ without adulterants (not CLIA waived)
Methamphetamine (mAMP) 1000 ng/ml
Cocaine (COC) 300 ng/ml
Marijuana (THC) 50 ng/ml
Amphetamine (AMP) 1000 ng/ml
Opiates (OPI) 2000 ng/ml
Oxycodone (OXY) 100 ng/ml
Benzodiazepines (BZO) 300 ng/ml
Barbiturates (BAR) 300 ng/ml
Methadone (MTD) 300 ng/ml
Ecstasy (MDMA) 500 ng/ml
Buprenorphine (BUP) 10 ng/ml

Note: This assay provides only a preliminary analytical test result. A more specific alternate chemical method must be used in order to obtain a confirmed analytical result. Liquid chromatography/mass spectrometry (LC/MS) is the preferred confirmatory method. Clinical consideration and professional judgment should be applied to any drug of abuse test result, particularly when non-negative (preliminary positive) results are indicated on the screening device.

Due to export restrictions, these medical devices cannot be shipped outside of the USA without written consent.


Compliance Topic: DOT Drug & Alcohol Management

Industry: Construction Safety, Human Resources, Workplace Safety / EH&S, Transportation

Advantage Savings: Advantage Savings