Sexual Harassment Prevention: Civility in the Workplace Online Training Course - English

Sexual harassment training helps learners understand what is crossing the line when it comes to sexual harassment, how to treat others with respect and hold each other accountable, and how to put an end to "normalizing".

Product Code:56123

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Available in English and Spanish.
Product Information

Now more than ever, news headlines report rampant, high-profile sexual harassment allegations almost daily. While employers are responsible for creating a safe work environment, for some there's a clear misunderstanding of what "safe" actually means.

This online course helps learners understand what is crossing the line when it comes to sexual harassment, how to treat others with respect and hold each other accountable, and how to put an end to "normalizing".

  • The eLearning course covers the following topics:
    • It Starts With YOU
    • Hold Each Other Accountable
    • Put an End to "Normalizing"
  • After completing this sexual harassment training course, learners will be able to:
    • Assess the professionalism of a situation
    • Describe methods for conscious inclusion to combat unconscious bias
    • Explain ways to hold each other accountable
    • Recognize and avoid acceptance or "normalizing" of inappropriate behavior
  • Intended Audience: Any level associate in any workplace environment
  • Length: 7 minutes
  • Language: Available in English or Spanish
  • Copyright Date: 2018

Compliance Topic: Sexual Harassment

Industry: Human Resources, Workplace Safety / EH&S

Language: English