Sexual Harassment Prevention: Additional Management Responsibilities Online Training Course - Spanish

Sexual harassment training helps management understand that preventing sexual harassment starts with them, and teaches them out to respond to a report and how to move on afterward.

Product Code:56134

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Available in English and Spanish.
Product Information

Now more than ever, news headlines report rampant, high-profile sexual harassment allegations almost daily. While employers are responsible for creating a safe work environment, for some there's a clear misunderstanding of what "safe" actually means.

This online course helps management understand that sexual harassment prevention starts with them, and teaches them how to respond to a report and how to move on afterward.

  • The eLearning course covers the following topics:
    • It Starts with YOU
    • Responding to a Report
    • Returning to Business as Usual
  • After completing this sexual harassment training course, learners will be able to:
    • Identify the risks involved with allowing a culture of harassment
    • Explain the benefits of building a harassment-free workplace
    • Describe how to respond to a report of sexual harassment
    • Discuss how to proceed with a claim of harassment on social media
    • Discuss steps for resuming normal operations
  • Intended Audience: Any level associate in any workplace environment
  • Length: 9 minutes
  • Language: Available in English or Spanish
  • Copyright Date: 2018

Compliance Topic: Sexual Harassment

Industry: Human Resources, Workplace Safety / EH&S

Language: Spanish