Bloodborne Pathogens - Video Training Book
Helps learners understand how to protect themselves and lessen the risks of exposure to bloodborne pathogens.
Product Code:73173Exposure to bloodborne pathogens can happen in the workplace. Bloodborne pathogens are microorganisms that live in a person’s blood. They can cause serious diseases like hepatitis B, hepatitis C, HIV, AIDS, malaria, and Ebola.
Employees with “occupational exposure” are likely to have contact with blood and certain other body fluids at work. Those with occupational exposure need to know what to do if they have an incident with blood or certain other body fluids.
The Bloodborne Pathogens Training program is designed to help learners understand how to protect themselves and lessen the risks of exposure.
Please note: This curriculum is designed to help employers satisfy the training requirements of 29 CFR 1910.1030. It includes vital information on the risks that bloodborne pathogens pose, methods employees can take to limit exposure, and what to do if they’ve had an exposure incident with blood.
- Regulations Covered: 29 CFR 1910.1030 and the General Duty Clause, which is Section 5(a)(1) of the Occupational Safety and Health Act.
- Intended Audience: Employees with job duties where contact with blood or other potentially infectious materials is reasonably anticipated.
- Language: English and Spanish
- The Video Training Book is a portable training format and is ideal for training one employee at a time. No internet connection or classroom needed! Watch the “What’s a video training book?” video below to learn more.
What's Included
(1) Video Training Book containing 44-minutes of video, divided into four training modules:
- Risks
- Introduction to Bloodborne Pathogens
- Bloodborne Diseases
- Transmission of Bloodborne Pathogens
- Who is at Risk?
- OSHA Requirements
- Related Laws and Regulations
- Required OSHA Training
- Preventive Measures
- Universal Precautions
- Alternatives to Universal Precautions
- Hepatitis B Vaccination
- Control Measures
- Engineering Controls
- Work Practice Controls
- Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)
- Housekeeping Practices
- Regulated Waste Handling and Disposal
- Contaminated Laundry Practices
- Biohazard Markings
- Importance of Biohazard Markings
- Universal Biohazard Symbol
- Biohazard Labels
- Biological Hazard Tags
- Biohazard/Biological Hazard Signs
- Exposure Incidents and Observations
- Exposure Incidents
- Post-Exposure Requirements
- Observation of Blood or Blood-Related Emergency
- Records
- Written Exposure Control Plan
- Medical Records
- Training Records
- Injury and Illness Logs
- Risks and Requirements
- Introduction to Bloodborne Pathogens
- Transmission of Bloodborne Diseases
- Who is at Risk?
- Related Laws and Regulations
- Required OSHA Training
- Preventive and Control Measures
- Preventive Measures
- Control Measures
- Engineering Controls
- Work Practice Controls
- Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)
- Housekeeping Practices
- Regulated Waste Handling and Disposal
- Contaminated Laundry Practices
- Biohazard Markings, Exposure Incidents, and Records
- Biohazard Labels
- Exposure Incidents
- Post-Exposure Requirements
- Observation of Blood or Blood-Related Emergency
- Records
Module 1: Bloodborne Pathogens Training: Risks and Requirements (11:04 mins)
Module 2: Bloodborne Pathogens Training: Preventive and Control Measures (12:04 mins)
Module 3: Bloodborne Pathogens Training: Markings, Exposure Incidents, and Records (11:02 mins)
Module 4: Bloodborne Pathogens Training: Refresher (9:51 mins)
(5) Employee Handbooks (English Only) (additional copies available 73172). Employee handbook is a full-color, portable, easy-to-understand reference to be used during and after training.
(1) Earbud Set (additional sets available)
(1) AC Adapter
What's Covered
The learning objectives for the 4 videos in the Bloodborne Pathogens Training program are listed below.
After completing Bloodborne Pathogens Training: Risks and Requirements, learners will be able to:
- Explain what bloodborne pathogens are
- Discuss some of the diseases caused by bloodborne pathogens
- Describe ways bloodborne pathogens can be transmitted
- Explain the occupational exposure concept
- Identify the core OSHA regulations relating to bloodborne pathogens
- Discuss the importance of bloodborne pathogens training
After completing Bloodborne Pathogens Training: Preventive and Control Measures, learners will be able to:
- Explain the benefits of universal precautions and vaccination
- Explain the use of engineering and work practice control measures
- Identify types of personal protective equipment and their limitations
- Discuss contamination and proper cleaning and decontamination methods
- Describe proper housekeeping, waste disposal, and laundry practices
After completing Bloodborne Pathogens Training: Markings, Exposure Incidents, and Records, learners will be able to:
- Recognize biohazard markings and understand their importance
- Identify steps to take when an exposure incident occurs
- Discuss elements required in an exposure control plan
- Explain the types of records kept by a covered employer
After completing Bloodborne Pathogens Training: Refresher, learners will be able to:
- Explain what bloodborne pathogens are and how they are transmitted
- Explain the occupational exposure concept
- Explain the benefits of universal precautions and vaccination
- Identify and discuss different practices and equipment to protect yourself and others in the workplace
- Recognize biohazard markings
- List steps to take when an exposure incident occurs
- Explain the types of records kept by a covered employer
Compliance Topic: Jobsite Safety, Bloodborne Pathogens, Health & Wellness
Copyright Date: 2023
Language: English & Spanish
Size: 8" x 9" x .5" hard cover book
Format: Video Training Book
Battery Life: Approximately 5 hours of continuous playback
Battery Type: 3000 mAh rechargeable lithium ion battery
Screen Size: 7" LCD Screen
Charging Port: Mini USB
ISBN: 979-8-88912-305-7