Reasonable Suspicion USB Training Program - English & Spanish

Trains supervisors of CDL drivers on familiar signs of alcohol misuse and drug use and how it should be properly handled.

Product Code:71293
Product Information

Carriers with drivers who require a Commercial Driver’s License (CDL) need supervisors who are trained on familiar signs of alcohol misuse and drug use and how to properly handled it. This is an important first step in keeping unsafe, impaired drivers off the road. The Reasonable Suspicion Training curriculum is designed to help learners understand when a driver may be sent for testing and what to do after testing is required.

Please note: This curriculum is designed to fully satisfy the requirements of 49 CFR 382.603, including one hour of training on alcohol misuse plus one hour on controlled substance use. It includes additional, vital information on day-to-day activities for a driver supervisor responsible for recognizing impaired drivers and following through on documentation and next steps.

  • Regulations Covered: 49 CFR 382.603
  • Intended Audience: Supervisors of drivers requiring commercial driver’s licenses (CDLs)
  • Languages: English and Spanish

What's Included

Main Video Program*

  • Who It Applies To (14 mins)
  • Ground for Alcohol Suspicion (14 mins)
  • Grounds for Drug Suspicion (13 mins)
  • Effects of Alcohol Misuse (12 mins)
  • Alcohol Driving Impairment (12 mins)
  • Trends in Alcohol Use (11 mins)
  • Effects of Stimulant Drug Use (12 Mins)
  • Effects of Depressant Drug Use (12 mins)
  • Trends in Drug Use (13 mins)
  • Testing Process (15 mins)
  • Responding to Out-of-Scope Suspicion (10 mins)
  • How to Document a Requested Reasonable Test (8 mins)
  • Test Results (14 mins)
  • Responding to Failed Tests (12 mins)

Trainer Tools*

  • (14) Trainer Guide PDFs
  • (14) Customizable PowerPoint Presentations
  • (14) Quizzes
  • (14) Answers
  • (14) Certificate of Completions
  • Various Handouts, Exercises, and more


*Available in English and Spanish

What's Covered

After viewing the 14 videos below, learners will have a better understanding of these important Reasonable Suspicion topics:

Who it Applies To:

  • Discuss cultural biases of alcohol consumption
  • Describe the meaning of actual knowledge
  • Recognize medical issues that can cause similar effects to alcohol use
  • Describe the suspicion criteria required for testing
  • Identify instances when employees can or cannot be sent for alcohol testing

Grounds for Alcohol Suspicion:

  • Discuss cultural biases of alcohol consumption
  • Describe the meaning of actual knowledge
  • Recognize medical issues that can cause similar effects to alcohol use
  • Describe the suspicion criteria required for testing
  • Identify instances when employees can or cannot be sent for alcohol testing

Grounds for Drug Suspicion:

  • Discuss cultural biases of drug use
  • Describe the meaning of actual knowledge
  • Recognize medical issues that can cause similar effects to drug use
  • Describe the suspicion criteria required for testing
  • Identify instances when employees can or cannot be sent for drug testing

Effects of Alcohol Misuse:

  • Explain how alcohol can negatively affect an individual
  • Discuss the health effects caused by alcohol misuse
  • Recognize the signs and symptoms of alcohol misuse
  • Explain what must be ruled out for suspicion of alcohol misuse

Alcohol Driving Impairment:

  • Discuss how alcohol affects different body types
  • Identify behavioral effects of alcohol use
  • Explain the differences of alcohol content between various beverages
  • Recognize the various impairments caused by alcohol use

Trends in Alcohol Use:

  • Discuss trends in adult alcohol use in the United States
  • Explain the relationship between alcohol use and vehicle crashes
  • Describe how alcohol violations affect drivers and carriers

Effects of Stimulant Drug Use:

  • Discuss stimulant drug effects and how they impair driving abilities
  • Recognize signs and symptoms of stimulant drug use

Effects of Depressant Drug Use:

  • Discuss depressant drug effects and how they impair driving abilities
  • Recognize signs and symptoms of depressant drug use

Trends in Drug Use:

  • Discuss trends in adult drug use in the United States
  • Explain the relationship between drug use and vehicle crashes
  • Describe how drug misuse affects the economy

Testing Process:

  • Explain the requirements for proper observation
  • Recognize who must confirm suspicion and how it’s done
  • Discuss the documentation process
  • Explain how testing is arranged and handled
  • Recognize how to properly address testing results

Responding to Out-of-Scope Suspicion:

  • Discuss ways to respond when a supervisor is unable to observe a driver
  • Describe policy considerations for non-DOT testing
  • Explain how to deal with suspicion when drivers are not performing safety-sensitive functions
  • Discuss proper responses to third-person reports

How to Document a Requested Reasonable Test:

  • Organize specific observations for reporting purposes
  • Recognize phrases to avoid when building a report
  • Construct a timeline for alcohol testing
  • Apply best practices to complete an effective report

Test Results:

  • Explain the function of the designated employer representative
  • Discuss ways to address drivers when waiting for drug test results
  • Discuss actions an employer can take when breath alcohol results are under .04
  • Choose appropriate questions when discussing prescription medications
  • Explain how a carrier can address prescription medication use when it negatively affects a driver’s abilities

Responding to Failed Tests:

  • Recognize actions that violate alcohol and drug prohibitions
  • Discuss the proper methods of test-result recordkeeping
  • Explain how to report failed tests to the Clearinghouse
  • Identify the types of information a driver should receive

Country Of Origin: USA

Format: USB

Copyright Date: 2023

Language: English & Spanish

Material: USB and Handbook

Advantage Savings: Advantage Savings