J. J. Keller Advantage Compliance Topic Index
This A to Z resource offers regulations, explanations, FAQs and more on hundreds of topics.
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- Covers hundreds of topics, including:
- Cargo Securement
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- ez Explanations, FAQs, and Regulatory Citations, Preambles to Final Rules, News & Alerts
Sample Content
For each topic included in the Compliance Topic Index, you'll have convenient access to ez explanations, FAQs, regulatory citations, preambles to final rules, and news and alerts. Here's an example of select content for just one of the hundreds of included topics:
911 (First Aid and Medical)
ez Explanations
- Cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) and automated external defibrillators (AEDs)
- Diesel exhaust
- Eyewashes and showers
- Facility safety
- General plant safety
- And more!
Frequently Asked Questions
- Are AEDs required at the worksite?
- Are employees who are designated to render first aid covered by the Bloodborne Pathogens Standard?
- Are employers allowed to have medicine in the first aid kits such as aspirin?
- Do eyewashes always have to have two separate flush heads?
- Do I need an AED in the workplace?
- And more!
- 1910.151 Medical services and first aid.
- 1915.87 Medical services and first aid.
- 1917.26 First aid and lifesaving facilities.
- 1918.97 First aid and lifesaving facilities. (See Appendix V of this part).
- 1926.23 First aid and medical attention.
- And more!
Proposed Rules
- 86 FR 59309 Heat Injury and Illness Prevention in Outdoor and Indoor Work Settings
Preambles to Final Rules
- 84 FR 21416 Standards Improvement Project - Phase IV
- 85 FR 8726 OSHA Standards and Regulations; Corrections
- 86 FR 54611 Incorporation by Reference; Notice of Corrections
- Additional clarification of using ANSI Z358.1 as guidance to comply with 1910.151(c).
- ANSI Z358.1 guidance for complying with 1910.151(c) citation policy for eyewashes and showers.
- Automated External Defibrillator training is not specifically required by the Permit-Required Confined Space standard; AEDs are not required first aid supplies
- Clarification of 1910.151 (Medical Services and First Aid).
- Clarification of first aid training for pharmacists.
- And more!
- ANSI ISEA Z308.1 American national standard - Minimum requirements for workplace first aid kits and supplies
News & Alerts
- Cal OSHA proposes mandatory employer compliance with ANSI first aid kit standard OSHA issues COVID-19 ETS for private employers with 100 or more employees OSHA issues standards improvement rule
- Medical services and first aid state comparison
- Eyewashes and Showers - California
- Medical and first aid - Alabama
- Medical and first aid - Alaska
- Medical and first aid - Arizona
- And more!