OSHA updates data used in Site-Specific Targeting program

February 23, 2023

As of February 7, OSHA updated its Site-Specific Targeting (SST) program to reflect the use of Form 300A data for calendar years (CY) 2019 – 2021. The previous SST, issued in December 2020, used CY 2017-2019 data. The SST is OSHA’s primary targeting program for non-construction establishments with 20 or more employees and directs the agency’s enforcement resources to establishments with the highest rates of injuries and illnesses.

Going forward, OSHA will use CY 2021 Form 300A data for:

  • High-rate establishments: Those above the average “days away, restricted, or transferred” (DART) rate for manufacturing or non-manufacturing;
  • Low-rate establishments: Those with low DART rates; and
  • Non-responders list: OSHA will generate a random sample of establishments that failed to provide the required Form 300A data to OSHA CY 2021.

Upward-trending establishments will be selected using CY 2019 through 2021 Form 300A data. OSHA will identify establishments with rates at or above twice the private sector national average in CY 2019, that have continued to trend upward through CY 2021.

Publish Date

February 23, 2023


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