HHS considers adding Fentanyl to the drug panel

November 2, 2023

A meeting in early December will address whether the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) should update its drug testing guidelines to help detect Fentanyl use.

The Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA), a division of HHS, announced that its Center for Substance Abuse Prevention’s (CSAP) Drug Testing Advisory Board (DTAB) will host a web conference on December 5, 2023. The Board will discuss potential changes to the Mandatory Guidelines for Federal Workplace Testing Programs.

Impact on DOT programs

Employers and employees subject to U.S. Department of Transportation (DOT) drug testing would be affected in the event HHS moves forward with updating its urine and oral-fluid analyte table to include Fentanyl/Norfentanyl.

The DOT must follow HHS scientific guidelines for its drug testing procedures in 49 CFR Part 40. As a result, changes to HHS guidelines require the DOT to conduct its own rulemaking to amend Part 40.

Offering input

SAMHSA is requesting public comments on the change to the drug testing panel. They may be submitted prior to, during, and up to 30 days following the DTAB meeting, but no later than January 4, 2024. Comments regarding the addition of Fentanyl to the HHS analyte table can be submitted to DFWP@samhsa.hhs.gov.

Want to attend the meeting?

DTAB’s virtual meeting, taking place 10:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. EST on December 5th, is open to the public.

In addition to discussing the analyte table, DTAB’s meeting will address:

  • Updates to the medical review officer (MRO) manuals,
  • Lab created cannabinoids and other contaminants in commercially available products, and
  • The process for adding or removing analytes from the analyte table for federally regulated testing.

To register for the meeting, click here. Meeting information may be obtained by accessing the SAMHSA Advisory Committee’s website.

Publish Date

November 2, 2023


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