Canada begins issuing ELD citations
January 3, 2023
The Commercial Vehicle Safety Alliance (CVSA) has issued a reminder to drivers operating in Canada that, beginning January 1, 2023, roadside enforcement officers may begin issuing citations to drivers operating vehicles without a Canadian-compliant electronic logging device (ELD).
Federally regulated commercial drivers who are required to track their hours of service by filling out a record of duty status, including U.S. drivers operating in Canada, are required to use an ELD that has been certified by Transport Canada.
CVSA also reminds drivers that each Canadian province and territory has its own regulations for applying the ELD rule, so motor carriers and drivers should check the ELD requirements for each province and/or territory that they operate in.
Although Canada’s ELD mandate went into effect on June 12, 2021, January 1, 2023, marked the end of the education and awareness phase of the progressive enforcement phase during which citations were not issued.
January 3, 2023
Author{not populated}
TypeIndustry News
Related TopicsElectronic logging device (ELD)
Hours of Service
Governing BodiesTransport Canada
Citations{not populated}