9 Simple Steps to Successful FMLA Communication

Communicating with your employees is essential when it comes to family and medical leave. The following outlines the essential steps in the FMLA communication process.

  1. Post a General Notice where employees and applicants can see it. If the information is not also in the employee handbook, you must provide a copy to new employees upon hire.
  2. Learn of the need for leave.
  3. Provide an Eligibility/Rights & Responsibilities Notice and appropriate certification form (if applicable) to employee within 5 business days of learning of the need for leave.
  4. Employee returns the requested certification within 15 calendar days after you’ve requested it. Check if the certification is complete and sufficient. If not, return it to the employee with a written listing of what’s needed. Employee then has 7 calendar days to return the complete/sufficient certification to you.
  5. Certification is complete and sufficient.
  6. Provide a Designation Notice to employee within 5 business days of obtaining enough information to designate leave as FMLA qualifying. If a fitness-for-duty (FFD) certification is needed for the employee to return to work, request it on the Designation Notice.
  7. Grant and schedule leave.
  8. Employee provides FFD certification, if required.
  9. Returns to work in the same or equivalent position.