Previous Webcasts from J. J. Keller & NPTC

J. J. Keller and the National Private Truck Council (NPTC) are teaming up to bring you a series of informative webcasts in 2015 ... learn more now. Previous webcasts are also available for downloading. To view a webcast, click on the appropriate link below.

2024 Webcasts

October 30, 2024 - Understanding Driver Medical Qualifications: What carriers need to know!

The Department of Transportation (DOT) physical examination is a critical step for drivers to maintain their qualifications. It's conducted by certified medical examiners who assess a driver's health using established medical guidelines and their professional judgment. Fleet managers play a crucial role in this process, not only by facilitating the examination but also by supporting the health and wellness of their drivers. This proactive approach is essential, especially when addressing the challenge of driver shortages in the transportation industry.

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September 25, 2024 - Preventing a DOT Compliance Review With Ongoing Mock Audits

Relying on hope as a strategy for passing a Department of Transportation (DOT) audit is not advisable. Proactive measures such as regular self-audits and tracking are essential for compliance. These practices not only prepare you for an actual audit but also help identify areas of improvement in your operations. Conducting mock audits can simulate the pressure and scrutiny of a real audit, providing valuable insights into your organization's readiness. It's a continuous process of evaluation and adjustment to ensure that when a DOT audit occurs, your company meets all the necessary regulations and standards.

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August 2024 - Demystifying Roadside Inspections

A roadside inspection is a high-stress, and sometimes confusing and even mysterious experience for your driver. Having the driver knowledgeable and comfortable with the roadside inspection process can improve the outcome in a lot of cases. This webcast will provide carrier personnel with knowledge that can be shared with the drivers to help reduce the stress and the mysteries when it comes to roadside inspections and help improve the outcomes when it comes to them.

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July 2024 - Navigating the Drug and Alcohol Testing Regulations and Protocols

When discussing drug and alcohol testing, it is important to understand the technical aspects of the requirements as well as the sprit and overall goal of the regulations.

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July 31, 2024 - Unlocking the Power of Dual-Facing Dash Cameras: Improve Driving Behavior and Safety

The advent of in-cab cameras has changed how carriers view drivers, coach and modify behaviors, and improve highway safety. But how do you know if your dash camera program is working? The answer likely lies in myriad factors and metrics – corporate culture, driving hiring, coaching prowess, data integrity and transparency.

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May 29, 2024 - DataQs: What Is IT? How Does It Work? How Can You Increase Your Chances of Success?

The DataQs system is an electronic system for filing challenges, formally called “requests for reviews” or “RDRs,” to data maintained by the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA) in the Motor Carrier Management Information System (MCMIS). This is the database has all roadside inspection reports, DOT-recordable crash reports, and the results of any investigations involving the carrier in it.

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May 1, 2024 - CSA: Where We Are Now and Where We Are Going

While the Compliance, Safety, Accountability (CSA) program is not a regulation or set of regulations, it is the primary tool used to select carriers for intervention. For this reason, a carrier needs to have an understanding of how the system functions and therefore how to avoid an intervention.

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March 27, 2024 - Understanding FMCSA’s Crash Preventability Determination Program

Why this program matters and how it works. FMCSA has stated that their intention is to continue running the Crash Preventability Determination Program, and eventually improve it. It’s important that carriers understand how this program works and why it is critical they use it.

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2023 Webcasts

October 25, 2023 - Driver Performance Monitoring

In the age of electronic performance monitoring, fleets have the necessary tools to help develop an effective driver performance assessment and management process. Without having these in place, you become challenged with improving the efficiency and safety of your fleet.

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September 27, 2023 - Hours-of-Service: Limits, Exemptions, and ELDs

The federal hours-of-service (HOS) regulations have been around since the l930s and are designed to keep fatigued truck drivers off the nation’s roadways. They are among the most-often violated of the FMCSA regulations—comprising roughly 40% of all driver violations— and within the past decade have become disruptive, confusing, and frequently revised of all federal driver safety regulations.

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August 2023 - How Fleets Are Implementing Advanced Vehicle Safety Systems to Drive Safety

ACC, AEB, ESC, ABS, CWS, LDWS, VDR/VER, ADAS and AV may sound like random acronyms, but they’re actually safety technology systems motor carriers should consider using if they’re not already. With traffic volumes increasing, and other drivers becoming more distracted, it is becoming more difficult for your drivers to avoid all accidents. This is where currently available electronic safety systems can help.

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July 2023 - The Advantages and Importance of Improving Your CSA Scores

Your Compliance, Safety, Accountability (CSA) scores provide the FMCSA, your insurance company and potentially even plaintiffs with an insider’s view of your operation. The CSA program is not going away, so motor carriers must understand the importance of improving their scores to protect their fleet against risk and litigation.

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June 2023 - Vehicle Inspections & Maintenance Checkpoint — Requirements, Risks, Benefits

Keeping your vehicles on the road and in good working order is essential. A systematic vehicle maintenance program helps you prevent and proactively address defects that could impact operations and compliance.

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May 2023 - Driver Training Entry-Level Driver Training

As the driver population ages and the availability of good drivers diminishes, companies are developing drivers from inside the organization, looking at truck driving school graduates with no driving experience, and considering other sources of less experienced drivers to meet their hiring requirements.

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April - Drug & Alcohol Clearinghouse

Three years ago, the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration introduced the Drug & Alcohol Clearinghouse, which requires regulated fleets to query the DOT's online database to identify CDL drivers who are prohibited from operating a commercial motor vehicle due to drug and alcohol violations.

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March 22, 2023 - Best Practices for Screening, Hiring and Qualifying Successful Drivers

Hiring qualified drivers that align with your company’s safety standards should be the goal for all motor carriers. The clearer the picture you have of your driver applicants’ attitude, work history, and driving record, the better chances you have of hiring successful drivers. There are also a host of regulatory requirements that must be satisfied, in addition to a number of resources that can provide more insight into the hiring process.

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2022 Webcasts

October 26, 2022 - Equipment & Maintenance Standards: How to Comply During Extended Trade Cycles

As supply chain shortages prevent many fleets from obtaining all the equipment they need to operate, some fleets are responding by extending their equipment trade cycles. However, this often has a negative impact on equipment productivity, driver satisfaction and roadside inspections. What can fleets do to ensure their equipment stays optimally utilized in the current environment? During this webcast you’ll learn how to remain compliant with the federal government’s maintenance and inspection requirements in this era of extended trade cycles.

September 28, 2022 - Electronic Logging Devices and Hours of Service

 During this informative webcast, you will learn how electronic logging devices relate to the hours-of-service regulations, what regulatory relief the FMCSA has extended to enable carriers to cope with the pressures of the COVID pandemic, and what official action might be underway to change the hours-of-service regulations. /p>

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August 31, 2022 - Screening Protocols in an Age of Driver Shortages

Hiring a driver is potentially the most “at risk” decision a carrier can make. The key to offsetting the risk is to have a process that uses all possible tools to verify that the driver you are about to hire is not the one that will “ruin the company.” With the driver shortage leading to more expansive recruiting efforts and the temptation to lower hiring standards (potentially leading to hiring more problems), it is more important than ever that carriers review their hiring process.

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July 27, 2022 - FMCSA’s Drug and Alcohol Clearinghouse

FMCSA's Drug and Alcohol Clearinghouse requires employers to query current and prospective employees' drug and alcohol violations before permitting those employees to operate a commercial motor vehicle. In addition, fleets must check the Clearinghouse annually for every driver they employ. The Clearinghouse provides FMCSA and employers the necessary tools to identify drivers who are prohibited from operating a CMV based on DOT drug and alcohol program violations and ensure that such drivers receive the required evaluation and treatment before operating a CMV on public roads.

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June 29, 2022 - Stress-Free Roadside Inspections & Audits

Roadside inspections and audits can be a high-stress, confusing experience. Adding to the confusion is that there is a direct connection between inspections and audits that’s often not clearly understood. But both events can be made a lot less stressful with the proper knowledge and preparation.

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May 18, 2022 - Understanding & Improving Your CSA Scores

Your Compliance, Safety, Accountability (CSA) scores provide the FMCSA, your insurance company and potentially even plaintiffs with an insider’s view of your operation.

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April 27, 2022 - Automatic Emergency Braking and Other Electronic Safety Systems

ACC, AEB, ESC, ABS, CWS, LDWS, VDR/VER, and ADAS and AV may sound like random letters, but they’re actually safety technology systems you should be considering if you’re not already using.

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March 30, 2022 - Understanding the Entry-Level Driver Training Requirements

The new entry-level driver training (ELDT) requirements are now in effect, and they apply to any entity that trains drivers prior to taking a CDL skills test or hazardous materials endorsement test. In this webcast, we’ll help you understand: The required curriculum, including theory and behind-the-wheel instruction, Trainer requirements to conduct ELDT training, The Training Program Registry (TPR) and Certification and recordkeeping requirements

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2021 Webcasts

October 27, 2021 - FMCSA's Drug & Alcohol Clearinghouse

FMCSA’s Drug and Alcohol Clearinghouse requires employers to query current and prospective employees' drug and alcohol violations before permitting those employees to operate a commercial motor vehicle. In addition, fleets must check the Clearinghouse annually for every driver they employ. The Clearinghouse provides FMCSA and employers the necessary tools to identify drivers who are prohibited from operating a CMV based on DOT drug and alcohol program violations and ensure that such drivers receive the required evaluation and treatment before operating a CMV on public roads.

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