Guide to OSHA Recordable Injuries and Illnesses

Recordable (Medical Treatment)Non-recordable (First Aid)
Visits to Health Care Professionals
  • Any condition that is treated, or that should have been treated, with a treatment not on the first aid list
  • Visits solely for observation, testing, or to evaluate diagnostic decisions
  • Visits solely for counseling
  • Diagnostic procedures, including prescribing or administering of prescription medications used solely for diagnostic purposes
  • Procedures defined in the final rule as first aid
Cuts, Lacerations, Punctures, and Abrasions
  • Sutures (stitches)
  • Staples
  • Surgical glue
  • Treatment of infection with prescription meds on any visit
  • Application of prescription antiseptic or a non-prescription antiseptic at prescription strength
  • Surgical debridement (cutting away dead skin)
  • Any wound coverings or bandaging by any medical personnel
  • Liquid bandage
  • Cleaning, flushing or soaking wounds on the surface of the skin;
  • Using wound coverings such as bandages, BandAids™, gauze pads, etc.; or using butterfly bandages or Steri-Strips™
  • Inoculations such as gamma globulin, rabies, etc. given to treat a specific injury or illness, or in response to workplace exposure
  • Tetanus immunizations
  • Immunizations and inoculations that are provided for public health or other purposes, where there is no work-related injury or illness
  • Foreign bodies which require more than simple means to remove because of their location, depth of penetration, size, or shape
  • Removing foreign bodies from the eye using only irrigation or a cotton swab;
  • Removing splinters or foreign material from areas other than the eye by irrigation, tweezers, cotton swabs or other simple means (needles, pins or small tools)
Strains, Sprains, and Dislocations
  • Casts or immobilization with rigid stays
  • Chiropractic manipulation
  • Exercises recommended by a health care professional who trains the worker in the proper frequency, duration and intensity of the exercise
  • Physical therapy
  • Hot or cold therapy
  • Any non-rigid means of support, such as elastic bandages, wraps, non-rigid back belts, etc.
  • Finger guards
  • Temporary immobilization devices while transporting an accident victim (e.g., splints, slings, neck collars, back boards, etc.).
Burns, Skin Rashes, and Blisters
  • Any conditions that result in days away from work, restricted work, transfer to another job, or medical treatment beyond first aid
  • Draining fluid from a blister
  • Bruises/Contusions
    • Draining of bruises by needle
    • Soaking therapy
    • Hot or cold therapy
    • Prescription medication, whether given once or over a longer period of time
    • Prescription medication, whether that prescription is filled or taken or not
    • Non-prescription medication administered or prescribed at prescription strength
    • Non-prescription medicines at non-prescription strength, whether in ointment, cream, pill, liquid, spray, or any other form
    • Oxygen administered to an employee exposed to a substance who exhibits symptoms of an injury or illness
    • Oxygen administered purely as a precautionary measure to an employee who does not exhibit any symptoms of an injury or illness
    Physical Therapy
    • Exercises recommended by a health care professional who trains the worker in the proper frequency, duration and intensity of the exercise
    • Physical therapy
    Loss of Consciousness
    • Loss of consciousness which results from a workplace event or exposure (e.g., chemicals, heat, an oxygen deficient environment, a blow to the head)
    • Loss of consciousness due solely to epilepsy, diabetes, narcolepsy, or other personal health condition
    • Due to voluntary participation in a wellness or similar program (e.g., company sponsored blood donation)