Driver Qualification File Checklist

The following documents are to be included in a DQ file for duration of employment:

  • Driver-specific application for employment (§391.21)*;
  • Original motor vehicle record (MVR) requested from state(s) within 30 days of hire (§391.23);
  • Road test or road test exception documents*:
    • Road test form and certificate conducted by your motor carrier (§391.31(g)), or
    • Road test certificate conducted by another motor carrier within the past 3 years (§391.33(a)(2)), or
    • Photocopy of a CDL accepted in lieu of road test - not applicable if hired to operate doubles, triples, or tankers. (Note: No subsequent copies of license renewals required.) (§391.33(a)(1)); or
    • Original of the written statement that the motor carrier determined the driver is not required by § 391.44(d) to complete a road test per §391.44(d)(3)(ii)(A) and the original, or a copy, of the driver's certification required by § 391.44(d)(3)(i);
  • Background investigations (§391.23)
    • Drivers hired before October 30, 2004: General employment verifications sent to all former employers for the 3 years prior to the application date or a record of a good faith effort; or
    • Drivers hired on or after October 30, 2004: Safety Performance History data from all former DOT-regulated employers for the 3 years prior to the application date or a record of a good faith effort. This form must be maintained in accordance with §391.53 (secured, limited access) and may be in a separate Driver Investigation History File; and if applicable, any driver rebuttals to the Safety Performance History data and responses to the rebuttals from the former DOT-regulated employers.

The following renewable documents are to be included in the DQ file for three years from date of execution:

  • Medical certificate or MVR showing that driver is medically certified (§391.43(g))*:
    • Medical exam certificate, original or a copy, for all non-CDL drivers; or
    • Medical exam certificate, original or a copy, kept for up to 15 days, until the CDL/CLP driver’s MVR can be obtained, showing current medical certification status.
    • If applicable, documentation of any variance, exemption, or waiver from the physical qualification standards (§391.51(b)(7));
    • Verification that medical examiner was listed on National Registry (for exams conducted after May 20, 2014) (§391.51(b)(9))*;
      • Annual motor vehicle record (§391.25);
      • Annual review of driving record (§391.25); and
      • Annual list of violations from driver (§391.27) is not required to be collected and retained on and after May 9, 2022. (Keep all Annual List of Violations due May 8, 2022 and prior, for three years from the document due date.)

The DQ file and Driver Investigation History file must be retained for 3 years after a driver leaves your employment.

The following documents are also required and kept in the DQ file, but are not applicable to all drivers:

  • Longer Combination Vehicle (LCV) Driver-Training Certificate (§380.401)*; and
  • Entry-level driver training certificate (§380.509(b)). (Applies to CDL drivers hired with less than 1 year of CDL driving experience that were not subject to the Entry-Level Driver Training requirements effective February 7, 2022.)

"Multiple Employer Driver" employed under the rules in §391.63 must include*:

  • Proof of medical certification, as described above (§391.43(g));
  • Road test form and certificate (§391.31(g)), or a photocopy of a CDL or certificate accepted in lieu of road test (§391.33);
  • Driver's name and Social Security number; and
  • Identification number, type, and issuing state of motor vehicle operator's license.

These records must be retained for the duration of employment plus 3 years after employment ceases.

Driver Borrowed From Another Motor Carrier who meets the criteria set forth in §391.65(a)(1), a motor carrier may accept*:

  • A certificate, completed by both the driver and primary employing motor carrier that meets the prescribed format in §391.65(a)(2) (Note: Motor carriers must verify the certificate’s validity via phone, letter, or in person.)

CDL-vehicle driver drug and alcohol related items:

  • Drug and alcohol policy receipt from the driver after the carrier provides the education materials on the drug and alcohol testing policy to the driver which must explain elements of the drug and alcohol testing program as required in 382.601(b).
  • Ask the question if the driver has failed any prior pre-employment drug tests and did not receive employment per 40.25*.
  • Full Clearinghouse query prior to any safety sensitive functions to show driver is not prohibited from driving a CMV*.
  • CDL-vehicle driver only - Confirmed negative drug test result*.
  • Written driver consent form for a limited query if the driver does not have a Clearinghouse account to approve a full query. No later than one year from the date of hire and each year thereafter, the carrier must at least conduct a limited query in the Drug and Alcohol Clearinghouse to check for violations and if the driver is in a prohibited status. (382.701(b)(2))

*Documents must be obtained by the carrier before the driver operates a CMV in commerce.